Looks like we are pretty cool

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Today started out in the morning tending the sheep. We took care of several injured sheep and brought in the new borns this week, about 5 or 6 to cure and cut their tails off. The sheep seem to be in better conditions now that the sun has been shining for two days and the following. After Sheep we planted 8 trays of lettuce, jumping up the biweekly production a bit. This should keep constant for a while, until we can analize if the estimated  25-30 pounds of mixed lettuce are enough every two weeks. We also harvested most of the sweet peppers, using them as payment in order to get them sold. After LP came C, but I forgot what it was. C....Cherries? We dont have any. Hmm oohh yeah Compost. We also worked on compost (yesterday..this post was started last night but lost computer priviledges) and this time got help from Louie from the stables. Our first batch of compost is almost all used up in the wind tunnels and the house garden now has its own supply. After C comes LIFE... again, what was I thinking last night.
Love probably, right?

Peace, Love and Guacamole.

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