Looks like we are pretty cool

Thursday, October 21, 2010


New Room
We have moved rooms. Now we live on the first floor, have a restaurant grade kitchen (bigger than the last, gas stove among other upgrades). To the right is our new set up. we stole the living rooms sofa. Remulos, or Romolus or Rominos, not sure what his name is but yet I call him. is unhappy, this couch was his home. his bed. Last night he came in and joined us in our sleep. Our new room has one disadvantage, curtains. Curtains keep light out. Light makes entering  a new day a more joyful experience. Darkness makes warmth. covers. pillows. seem much more appealing.                       
New Lake
The next picture is of our wind tunnels or green houses. This shows the extent of the flooding the farm is feeling in its lower sections. This lake was at one point planted with summer crops, so I hear. It is about 1 meter from the lowest green house and might reach it if rain continues. Not much would get lost if just a side of the greenhouse gets hit, but it would delay planting. In this picture you can also see the power of hidric erosion. This "canal" is still going strong after a couple of hours of rain, pulling dirt down into our ducks new lake. This ruins the hills soil, but at least it acumulates in the lake bottom (which will soon be able to plant) and doesnt get carried away in rivers like most erosion. 

New Injury
Two new sheep where born today. The mother gets special care. Other new things? New books. New cooking knowledge, we made dumplings, jamaican potatoes and garden tomatoe sauce with pasta for dinner. New mouse scurrying arround our kithchen, I might get a picture some day. New.. oh well.

New Sheep

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