Looks like we are pretty cool

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Eternal Storm

Tuesday, as we were eating our Mr. Goldteeth meal with a slight variation (We got pork instead of chicken), during an intense downpour, flooding our eating area. thank you boots. A LIGHTning BOLT. Struck about 20 meters from us. It was a pretty exciting shock. All lunchers gave a little cry-yelp-exclamation with no one admitting to it. This electric arrow hit our internet antenna. Burned out two wireless routers and some other cables which disrupted internet availability all week. A nice computerless week in lake Pantrepant.

It´s not actually that bad, conditions are good, workers have access and roads are still open. One major FEAR is the Wind Tunnels. These green houses are usually surrounded by peaceful rolling pastures. Now are an island, fearing inundation. Tomorrow I will post a picture of the waters aproach to the lower green house, less than a meter away. If rain keeps falling at this rate we will have lost everything by the end of the week. We might build a vegetable ark. 
Tractor working at the school. Note the enemy in the
background rebuilding its forces.

On Wednesday we realized nature always wins. Much of our work at Unity Primary School was elimanted after two weeks of no access. Our enemy, King Grass, grew back and we decided to bring in our friend, Alba and the tractor, to try and beat it once and for all. 

Monday was Jamaican Heroes Day, a national holiday. I dont know much about Jamaican Heroes, only Marcus Garvey. 
"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."
Tuesday, usually known as Tuday, was spent working in the wind tunnels, transplating arugula, tomatoes and picking peppers, tomatoes and pak choi. Canals where dug for drainage, diminishing the flooding in the upper green houses. At about 10 a.m. the rains started, trapping me in the green houses until lunch, which was delayed an hour because fire is at war with rain, but cooked pork likes fire.
Yes, we like donkeys.
Treating ticks in Brahman
The work with the cattle was heavy today. Starting with Tony "Wi got plenty work fo today". The rain didnt stop it. Gathering far away herds. Curing some. Bringing them into the pens. Today the cows seemed more worked up, stressed, than usual. War with Humans. Luis had several near cow-ramming-into-him experiences and Fabio ended up being the gate master, which was consistently slammed into by angry bulls. Good days. After all that work one young bull was sold to a nearby farm and a couple of them weighed for inspection. 

Heroes Day and a Friday Payday turned into a nice time. F&L had different weekends. One being harrassed by U.S. immigration, nearly deported, eagles, hamburgers, Dali´s genius insanity, jazz, infinite train rides and highway rescues. The other (Luis) visits Golden Eye, ex-home of Ian Flemming, author of James Bond. Visit to local Bunker´s Hill Heroes Day football match. Being Filmed. 

Coming up! A life interview with Mr. Luis Rojas about his weekend! 

Saturday 8:30 am. Lovely Mrs. Cathy Sniper hurrying me to leave to Golden Eye, the film crew gave me a ride in their Van to Oracabessa. Arriving the place, knew some persons who work on the project and started to explore the place. Walking through, Golden Eye´s life guard invite me to a kayak ride around the lake and part of the reef. The ride ends up with a race and the "black man" couldn´t believe a "whitey" beat him. During the evening swimming around the lake/sea felt just like heaven and refill myself of some energy for the rest of the weekend. 

On sunday morning a horse back riding with Gareth and Paul was done around some of the pastures and forested hills of Pantrepant, ending this journey with a freedom fast gallop around the green areas near the houses of the farm. I am sure Paul will remember this. Greetings! 

Monday, Heroe's Day. Went with my bredrins of Pantrepant to the district and tried some goat testicles, liver and brain. Don´t think would take this a my diet, still prefer callaloo.....After this, Exidos (Bunker's Hill soccer team) played a match having a positive score. The evening take me at the community center, hearing some reggae, mostly dance hall.

Tuesday. Storm.

A view of Goldeneye villas

Mr. Lifeguard

The Island of relax

Swimming in the pristine waters of Gold.
Rasta Moske (Dave) cooking up goat. 

Grilled Goat "parts".

Bunkers hill soccer team.

School bredrins

One Love.

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