Looks like we are pretty cool

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Storms keep hitting up PTP. We just got another internet loss for abou 3-4 days. this time, we cant blame a storm.
Some workers where trimming a tree near the farms office and with their infinitely sharp machetes cut through a wire. This wire had to be ordered from Kingston and took 2 days to instal. Now. Internet is back for a while. but anyway, who needs internet these days? Living up here in the mountains in the forests in the trees in the storms, we need nice covers, books and maybe some garden tomatoes and eggplants. Thank you.

I dont think the camera has taken many trips these past few days, she doesnt like getting wet.
We had an unexpected harvest (lunch) the other day. The farms horses have a nice tank, a cement cube, where they drink out of, and every couple of months this gets drained and washed out, we happened to be helping with this work when we got a nice ammount of fresh fish living the good life on horse feed. Our cooking skills werent up to the fresh fish yet, and it turned more into an oily fish soup instead of fried fish, but still good.

Our work on the farm has been influenced by various factors, such as weather, workers, ducks, rats. Much of the work which was energeticaly started the first 6-7 weeks of our internship has slowed down a bit but we hope this week we can get back into the same motivation, gear, drive etc.

Planting in the green houses has kept going, lots of rows of tomatoes have been transplanted, hoping we can see some of them before leaving in December. Stop that train im leeeaaavin. Other than tomatoes we have over 2000 lettuce (units) lettuces? which will bring in about 30 pounds per week. The cattle is getting ordered and modernized (computer!) which will make its management and supervision easier.


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