Looks like we are pretty cool

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

endless summer

I wish. It´s more of an endless night.
LR on his road to school. 

First time in Jamaica that insomnia gets me. I´m not sure whats happening but at least the cocks are already crowing. If thats what they do, sunrise coming soon, and a long tired day ahead.

Today.Yesterday.We went to work in the morning at Unity School. We hadnt been in a while, due to weekend adventures and intense storm rain wind flooding. The flooding has subsided a little, but crossing One Tic is still not possible. To get to school we had to cross various flooded streets while it started raining again. Since we havent been to the school in about 10 days and the rain has been incesantly feeding the KING GRASS, our arch enemy, it seems like our work is starting over. Quickly resprouting. Quickly showing us that nature is king. Evidently Japanese farmer scientist Masanobu Fukuoka, founder of natural or "do-nothing" farming had no king grass in his rice paddies. Oh. So we got the layout of the whole garden set up, which will make work more organized from now. Hopefully Saturday, if the weather permits, we can go work and beat KG once and for all. We have a pretty nice group of workers willing to come help so I think this will be our final battle, before being able to get to the nice aspects of the garden and being able to work with the students. 

Today we had the company of a recent High School graduate visiting his primary school. He told us about the farm they used to have and how much him and his classmates enjoyed agri. He blames its dissapearance on lazy youth. He was forced to work hard back in 2000. 

Fish Hut on our fist nice afternoon in a while.
After school we walked down to Bunker´s Hill and decided we needed to go to Falmouth, nearest town with a bank, and stock up on food again. We got our groceries and asked arround where we could get some fresh fish. Jamaica is a fishless island. Most Jamaicans dont like fish, unless it is in Ackee and Saltfish or other national dishes. It is not common. We took a road towards MoBay and ended up enjoying a coastal Fish Hut, kind of like Pizza Hut without pizza. 

We learnt a new and very important lesson today. Dont buy your taxi driver any beer. In Costa Rica, once you get going in a party mood we say "Montado en la Carreta". Our taxi driver, Bunka, was most definetly Montado en la Carreta, meaning on the bandwagon. Ready to party. On our way back he kept stopping to visit all his friends and several bars-shops on the way and inviting us to several servings of white rum. Maybe that is why im not sleeping. The drive back was pretty intense. In two hours we will wake up, Luis will probably go out on his horse and check up on the cattle with other cowboys in the morning and I will go work with the garden crew. After a nice Mr. Goldteeth lunch im sure I will need a 12 to 1:30 p.m. nap to make up for this sleepless night, and then in the afternoon we where planning on visiting Mr. Macdonald and try to get the 20 or so medicinal plants we have identified so far in his surroundings. 

Enjoy your morning. 

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