Looks like we are pretty cool

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Don't worry, we still happy......

The day started with bad new for us. Fabio wake up in the morning and when arriving the garden he realized that a callaloo murder was about to happen. Some planting beds having callaloo on it were going to be cleaned for a later carrot and brocoli sowing. Now, with other consumers arrival on sunday, callaloo demand is going to increase and we are very concerned about wether it will be enough plants to supply our future vegetarian dinners. Nevertheless to prepare against this, more tasks were developed during the day, consisting mostly on preparing this ex-callaloo bed's soil again to be planted by carrots and broccoli, and others. In some of the beds a cover for rainfall was putted on it.

RIP callaloo

Carrot beds

Also the seedlings development of different crops is going excellent giving us our final hope to forget about our callaloo based diet.

On the animal part, two of the red poll herds were sprayed to control ticks on them and other herds were changed to another pasture, to make sure that the pasture plots are getting enough days off to have an efficient pasture regrowth for e better animal feeding.

Several experiences has happened during these weeks at Pantrepant, the last update:

  • Fabio's back is better due to his new purchase.

Fabio's new purchase

  • Luis has dizziness, diarrea, etc, he probably though at any time himself as a local and started drinking pipe water with the worker's. Now he is getting better..."in every life we have some trouble,when you worry you make it double, don´t worry", we still happyyyyyyyyyyy. Bob Marley.

pipe water consequences

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