Looks like we are pretty cool

Monday, October 11, 2010

Today, Monday, Lunes, our compost got respected. The compost was used in the wind tunnels (one of our piles) to improve the soil in the red and yellow beet beds, the salads and to fertilize some recently sprouted yellow string beans. Tomorrow, due to our new found economic and social success in the composting business, will be dedicated to rebuilding the house garden circular compost and starting a new one, after the morning activities of bringing in cattle and picking and packing produce. Luis, in his morning cattle run, encountered a death by natural cause of a bull calf. This is not uncommon and is not due to bad practices. Following this discovery, upon returning to the stables, a bet was made on the dead calfs sex, male or female?. Luis R. ended up winning upon returning to the site. Apart from fertilizing, cucumbers got planted in the house garden and lettuce in the windtunnels. Our first 6 pounds of Pak choi planted our first week here got sold. Another 200 or so pounds left. Lets hope GE opens up soon.

Luis completing our first delivery of our valuable product.

None of us like being considered pirates. Thieves, robbers, criminals. Pirates we are. We are pirates, pirates in big ships, pirates in small boats, pirates on planes, pirates on tractors, in offices, on fishing boats, in machines, factories, pirates taking. taking. taking. taking.  and we are the pirates of the earth. quick personal, personal gain with no respect for our earth. Our small planet. Home. Agriculture needs to change, in scale, ownership, marketing, methods, people involved, knowledge. farming needs to come back, farming in its true sense, a man (human) working his field. working his crops. knowing his life. living a life. being alive. knowing the world. Farming needs to get rid of pirates. So does everything else really. Our world needs to retrain, reset, our perspectives on importance. What gets done on PTP needs to be reproduced on a serious scale worldwide, reconnecting the youth, the elderly, the middle aged, the everything, the office workers, the city scramblers, everyone, with nature, with what feeds them, lets them survive, connecting in a direct form. A real form. 

Left row: Non fertilized red and yellow beets.
Right row: Very happy super fertilized bed. 

I would like to make an important (To me, and all people who knew him) intermission in our super serious blog. In the year 2000 REX, a pretty common name for an uncommon entity, was born in Cuba. He lived under Fidel Castro in terrible conditions, eating potatoes, but decided to escape communism, fleeing to Costa Rica. In the Year 2010, after being with me since I was 14, he has left. Thank you Rex. Thank you for joy and companionship. Thank you for being crazy and being part of all my adventures. 


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