Looks like we are pretty cool

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Week of the End

Bull #919A0 in Pain, so says he.
Friday, after morning activities in the garden and with the herds we where present at the branding as can be seen in the picture on the right. Friday, trying to look back on it after the weekend, seems not to involve many productive activities. It is probable we took the afternoon off after our internationally acclaimed phone call. Friday night Marty came back to Pantrepant, searching internet, nice views and refreshing river baths. Saturday morning at 5:30 we where awaken by yells sounding like "lets get to work soldiers! Soldiers! Wake up!" in Patua. Lion (Pictured bellow)was excited to go work at the local school, helping us set up the garden.
Mr. Lion and Fabio celebrating their courageous victory over
the chicken invaders. 

We got to the school and were joined by Joseph and his son JJ (Brian). This Saturday the work was truly felt, clearing most of the space for the garden and surrounding areas, making work easier next week, when we will be working with the students. We had Marty helping us in the clearing, mastering his machete wielding abilities under the midday sun.

After working hard at the school we took a break before going to Falmouth, a coastal city in Northwestern Jamaica. In Falmouth we explored the local weekend market, haggling over tourist-priced tomatoes and onions. We ended up buying onions in every stand leading to overstock, as prices started to decrease.

Group work on the future school garden.
Marty and his faithful machete

Fabio and Luis with their new shrimp trap set Sunday Night.
Catch update tomorrow morning.

Sunday we spent the afternoon in Pantrepants river, returning to delicious farm made vegetarian sandwiches with cheese, eggplant, unknown "greens" and avocado. Joseph taught us how to make shrimp traps to be used in the river, hopefully being able to include shrimp in our future vegetarian sandwiches. We set the traps tonight, hoping for a bountiful catch by tomorrow afternoon. 

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