Looks like we are pretty cool

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mr. Goldteeth and Luis Rojas holding the perfect lunch

Day #?? I forget, at Pantrepant Farm.
Time up here in the cockpit mountains, in terms of hours and days doesnt matter much. We have a life where time isnt the main factor deciding our every move, other than 11:59 a.m., the best time of the day.

At 11:59 it is time to run over to the canteen, food hall, cafeteria etc. and recieve the daily energy recuperating ration of Jamaican Food.

Our lunch normally includes a good ammount of rice and beans, seasoned with some sort of magic carribean sauce. This comes with a side of a vegetable that I picked this morning with a name I cant remember called "the greens" by Mr. Goldteeth, the farms personal chef. We also get lots of breadfruit and a nice ammount of chicken, with a daily changing sauce/seasoning. Thank you, Mr. Gold, for all the great food and cooking tips you have imparted on us these timeless days.

Other than eat....
We finished working on different composts in several areas of the farm to get enough ready for the upcoming months when we will be planting. We also took our first ride together today. It was my first time riding (a horse) today (fabio)... Luis is a very good rider. We went to gather herds in different parts of the farm to inspect them and move them.

After work we walked across ONE TIK (One stick), a river crossing we will post pictures of soon, to get to Bunkers Hill, the nearby town to visit some of the workers and hang out a while.

Upon getting back we met, Marti or Martin? (Edit: Just checked an email... wasnt too far off! Marty nice too meet you today... he gave me a rum punch. Excuses my memory) and had some drinks with him to get to know each other.
Everything about today has been great. 

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