Looks like we are pretty cool

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Sunrise is setting


We have just finished our completely self sufficient dinner, apart from vegetable oil, salt and pepper.
The shrimp mission was a success, we got over 20 shrimp of different sizes. Our dinner included items from the garden like Calalu?, eggplants, tomatoes and a secret ingredient. Lion came by and tried the shrimp he helped fish, now he is completely asleep and snoring.

Today pinapple was planted, compost was turned and tended too, cabbage was mulched, mulch collected,seeds arrived and plans made. Tomorrow seed planting will begin hoping to have a continuos production of salads and tomatoes, among other crops. 
We will also be meeting a local rasta, Mr. Macdonald, who has extensive medicinal plant knowledge, hoping to find out more about local plants and a project created to preserve and distribute endangered or over-used plants.

Above you can witness our beautiful sunrise and sunset.
Our first catch, pre-cooking

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