Looks like we are pretty cool

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Community Work

Although life on the farm is beautiful we still have to get out every once in a while, mainly to buy LASCO Vanilla flavored protein powder for milk shakes and to go to the nearby elementary school a couple of hours a week to help the teachers and kids out.

Our main goal at the school is to set up a school garden which we will use to educate the children, mainly 5th graders, in sustainable ways to grow a rural family´s food.

The garden plans consist of a mandala based design in the center, surrounded by different topics such as composting, medicinal and herb garden, vegetable garden and local tropical crops. The garden will also have its own goats donated by the farm and hopefully some chickens.

Here are some pictures of the first day of work at the farm, thankfully we got help from Charlie, Tony and his kids, Mr. Lion, and Joseph. Without their help clearing this king grass infested land would have been impossible alone with our limited machete abilities.

Here are some pictures in action:

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