Looks like we are pretty cool

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Days of them Caves

Luis found his little corner transport 
Weekend. Saturday morning up at 5:30. Gathering all the produce. Tomatoes. Salads. Peppers. Packing them up in Sylvans car and witnessing the sunrise while driving down the Cockpit Mountains. Sylvan is one of the few drivers we have met so far who likes his car. He drives peacefully, enjoying life, taking care of his car. Most Jamaicans drive crazy. Intense. Fast. Lots of stress on the road, to make up for the lack of stress in their lives.

Oh so back to the story, Sylvan drives perfectly. We got to the highway and where picked up by Charlie, Landscaper and Nursery, and Chef Conroy, future Chef at Golden Eye. Our truck was loaded so Luis had to find a little corner behind the mattresses, enjoying the morning warmth for the 2 hour drive towards Negril. Negril is in Western Jamaica, a famous tourist destination with some very GALLETA beaches, as we say in Costa Rica for perfect, incredible, etc.etc.

We are being distracted by Equus africanus asinus, commonly referred to as Donkey, Ass or Burro, while writing this post. We dont know what Donkeys preferred method of communication is called, its not neighing nor barking. Well thanks to wikipedia we solved that. 
Donkeys have developed very loud vocalizations, which help keep in contact with other donkeys over the wide spaces of the desert. The best-known call is referred to as a "bray," which can be heard for over three kilometers. Donkeys have larger ears than horses. Their longer ears may pick up more distant sounds, and may help cool the donkey's blood. Donkeys in the wild can defend themselves with a powerful kick of their hind legs as well as by biting and striking with their front hooves.
Braying is the characteristic sound made by an ass, donkey, and most mules. Donkeys use this sound to communicate and will bray more frequently when a new donkey is encountered. The sound typically lasts for twenty seconds. The sound may be rendered onomatapoeically as "eeyore" and so this was used as the name of the donkey in Winnie-the-Pooh. Donkeys may be trained to bray or not to bray upon command. This may be used as a form of mockery. Braying may be considered a simile for loud and foolish speech.  
There are braying men in the world as well as braying asses; for what's loud and senseless talking and swearing, any other than braying

Donkeys have a lifespan of 30 to 50 years.

Sorry. The donkey was out the braying very loudly for a while, we thought it necessary to include him in our post and share our newly found knowledge. Well so it seems we havn´t started writing about our weekend yet.

Getting close to infinity. 
Upon arriving at The Caves, a beautiful little hotel on the West end of Negril situated on rocky cliffs overlooking the light blue sunny stormy rainy calm angry peaceful ocean, we jumped off a cliff right in front of the breakfest restaurant. Charlie led the pack with jump #1. 

The vegetables and herbs we brought where quickly comandeered by Chef Conroy and mutated. Our golden cherry tomatoes turned into a sweet warm cooked tomatoe side dish, Okra into soft a little slimy vegetables accompanied by soft fish. Charlie was a vivid food critic. Using words and sensations I wish I could remember. All I can think of was a feeling of infinity. Infinity is usually not considered a feeling. But think "I feel Infinite" and think of moments that have felt like that. Great moments in Life. My infinite was a fleeting moment standing on the cliffs, pre-jump. 

With Charlie we spent the days, Saturday and Sunday afternoon, exploring the bush and selecting plants that would do well in the nursery and look good in the Golden Eye hotel. We walked through bushes behind the caves and found many intersting plants, mainly about 20 silver thatched palm trees. The work involved in removing these specimens was rough. Pick axe. Truck pushing. Shovel. Lots of coral in the ground. Deep roots. Our collection ended up being very respectable, filling up the truck all the way, allowing only a small space for the lucky free-rider on the journey home.

Arrived at Infinity.
After a day´s work/exploration we found a rough ocean crashing into the caves, filling our life with "just one more" every one more. We ended up being crashed and pounded by a countless number of waves, reluctant about returning to the surface. 

We ended up getting to know Jamaican wildlife, beachlife, nightlife and life this weekend. Actually, im too tired to keep writing. Its been a long day.

Underneath these contentless lines you can see pictures of The Caves and our return journey home, where Fabio had to find his cargo space and enjoy a free ride. 

Conroy, Fabio in his transport space and palm trees.

Oh. Wasps also infiltrated our weekend. Fabio got stung on the eyelid and if you look closely can see a massive swelling causing shut-eye disease. Very dangerous when 3D vision is required. (walking through the bush asimilating distances of branches and tree stumps). Charlie was also bitten, strutting a swollen hand and forehead. 

Luis, Fabio, Charlie and Chef Conroy.
Note the swollen eye-cheek.

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